User Manual
This website offers the following free training courses to support newly licensed nurses transitioning to practice or licensed nurses transitioning to a new practice setting: 1) Communication in Healthcare, 2) Safety in Healthcare, 3) Evidence-Based Practice, 4) Preventing and Responding to Violence in the Workplace, 5) Safety and Professionalism in Community-Based Nursing Practice, and 6) Appendix 1: Further Resources for Trainer. You may choose to take any course that interests you independent of the other trainings offered on this website. You may complete these courses at your own pace and over multiple sessions. However, to be eligible to receive nursing Contact Hours, you must meet the minimum requirements outlined below (please see the Nursing Contact Hours Requirements section for more information).
Getting Started
Before taking any of the training courses available on the Online Support for Transition to Practice website, you must first register for a free account. To register, either select the ‘Register’ option in the top right corner of the page or select the ‘Register’ option at the bottom of any of the course description pages.
Once registered, you can start a course by selecting the course on the Home page or by selecting one of the course offerings from the ‘Courses’ dropdown list in the navigation menu. You can change your account information at any time on the ‘Account’ page. While signed in, select the ‘Your Account’ link in the navigation menu or select your username in the top right corner of the page to navigate to the ‘Account’ page.
The six courses available on the Online Support for Transition to Practice website are 1) Communication in Healthcare, 2) Safety in Healthcare, 3) Evidence-Based Practice, 4) Preventing and Responding to Violence in the Workplace, 5) Safety and Professionalism in Community-Based Nursing Practice, and 6) Appendix 1: Further Resources for Trainer. Each course contains multiple sections with a quiz at the end of each. You are required to complete the quiz at the end of a section before continuing to the next section in that course. Your results for each quiz will be saved once you have submitted an answer to the last question in that particular quiz. At the end of each training, you will be asked to give us feedback by filling out a brief course evaluation form. Completion of this evaluation form is required to earn nursing Contact Hours.
Navigation Features
Navigation MenuThe Online Support for Transition to Practice website offers a variety of features to help you complete your training. From the navigation menu, you can choose which course to take, review the references for each training, or access a list of additional resources that may help you learn more about a particular topic. You can navigate to your account page by selecting the ‘Your Account’ link in the navigation menu or selecting your username in the top right corner of the page.
Course NavigationOnce you begin a course, you will have a few options for navigating through the training. You can select the ‘Next’ button to advance through the pages. The ‘Previous’ button will take you to the previous course page. The ‘Next’ button will not be immediately available on pages with videos or within the quiz following each section. The ‘Next’ button will be displayed once you have finished watching the video or have completed the quiz.
Course OutlineAn alternate way to navigate through the course is by using the ‘Course Outline’ dropdown. Each course page you have previously viewed will show up in the ‘Course Outline’ dropdown. Select a page from the dropdown menu to navigate back to a previous page or to pick up where you left off.
View Course TranscriptOn the ‘Course Transcript’ page, you may review your quiz scores, access the course evaluation once you have completed the training in its entirety, and submit your request to receive nursing Contact Hours once all requirements to do so have been met. Select the ‘View Course Transcript’ button while in a course or the ‘Transcript’ button on your ‘Account’ page to navigate to the ‘Course Transcript’ page. Your course transcript may be saved or printed for your records.
If you are having technical difficulties, please report them to us through the ‘Contact Us’ link in the navigation menu.
Nursing Contact Hours Requirements
Training | Credit Amount | Approval Expiration Date |
Communication in Healthcare | 1.5 Contact Hours | 11/30/2026 |
Safety in Healthcare | 1.25 Contact Hours | 11/30/2026 |
Evidence-Based Practice | 1.5 Contact Hours | 12/31/2026 |
Preventing and Responding to Violence in the Workplace | 1.5 Contact Hours | 12/31/2026 |
Safety and Professionalism in Community-Based Nursing Practice | 1.25 Contact Hours | 12/31/2026 |
If you wish to receive free nursing Contact Hours for completing a course on the Online Support for Transition to Practice website, you must meet the following requirements:
(1) Time Log: You must record the amount of time you spent reviewing the course materials, watching the videos, taking the quizzes, and completing the course evaluation on the course evaluation page before you submit the course evaluation.
(2) 84% Cumulative Quiz Score: Each training is divided into different sections and each section has its own quiz. You must complete all of the quiz questions for each of the sections in the training and obtain a cumulative quiz score of at least 84% to earn nursing Contact Hours. After you complete each quiz, you will be shown your score for that particular quiz. Your cumulative quiz score will not be entered into your course transcript until you complete the entire training and all of the quizzes. You may review the course materials and retake quizzes to improve your score until you meet the minimum requirement. Your cumulative quiz score will be calculated on your course transcript once all quizzes for a training have been completed.
(3) Course Evaluation: When you have finished reviewing all of the training materials and completed the quizzes for a particular training you will be directed to complete the corresponding course evaluation. Verification of completion of the course evaluation will be recorded on your course transcript and completion of the course evaluation is required to be eligible to earn nursing Contact Hours.
When you have met the requirements outlined above, please review the information on your course transcript one last time. If all of the information is correct and complete, please print your course transcript by clicking the ‘Print Transcript’ button toward the bottom of the course transcript page and save this printed copy for your records.
In order to submit your completed course transcript for nursing Contact Hours, you will need to click the ‘Submit for CE credit’ button at the bottom of the course transcript page. Clicking this button indicates that you agree that all of the information on the course transcript is correct, complete, and meets the requirements outlined above. Once you have clicked the submit button you will receive a confirmation that your course transcript has been submitted successfully. Your nursing Contact Hours certificate will be sent as a PDF attachment to the email address you registered your account with.
Additional Information on Nursing Contact Hours
The Communication in Healthcare, Safety in Healthcare, and Evidence-Based Practice training courses were approved by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91).
The Preventing and Responding to Violence in the Workplace and Safety and Professionalism in Community-Based Nursing Practice training courses were approved by the Michigan Public Health Institute – Continuing Education Solutions (MPHI CES 1043049-2023, 101043051-2024). Michigan Public Health Institute-Continuing Education Solutions (MPHI-CES) is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Louisiana State Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
All presenters and planning committee members have completed a Financial Disclosures document that includes an explanation of Relevant Financial Relationships. Based on these forms none of the planning committee members or presenters have relevant financial relations with ineligible companies to disclose.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ link in the navigation menu.